Saturday, December 6, 2014


Batik is a technique of wax-resist dyeing applied to whole cloth.” To create the batik was quite a process. First, you draw out the design on a piece of paper. Next, you outline the drawing in a sharpie, and then lay the muslin fabric over the design so it can be traced with a special mixture of flower and water. After waiting for the flour mixture to dry, you can start to paint your fabric with tempera paint. Once the mixture is dry, you can start to peel it off so the batik is complete.  I decided to create a more simple design, but wanted to go into a more “hippy” direction with my colors. I like the way it turned out because some of the colors started to fade into each other. This was one of my favorite projects because I got to work with paint and textiles, and I haven’t really ever done anything like it before.

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