Saturday, December 6, 2014

Internal Texture - Watercolor Technique

This art project was one of my favorites because it involved eating food. As we ate food, we had to pay attention to our senses. Once we had an idea of what to paint, we sectioned off six areas that represented the food we ate. Starting from the top left, I painted how a potato chip tasted. I even added salt to give the effect of how salty a potato chip is. The bottom left corner, I painted salsa from the way it looked instead of how It tasted. Next to the salsa, I painted the crunchy texture of a carrot. Above the carrot painting, I expressed how a pickle tastes. Since they were delicious homemade pickles, they had a certain flair to their flavor, and what better way to paint a pickle than in a bursting pattern? In the middle on the right, I painted the texture of frosting from a cupcake. Frosting is definitely a smooth and creamy texture. On the bottom left, I painted gummy worms and decided to use a rubbing alcohol technique to create splatters that disperses the colors. This project certainly took food to another level on how I interact with food with all my senses.

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