Saturday, December 6, 2014

Milk Jug Masks

From a milk jug, I had the opportunity to create a tribal mask. These tribal masks originated from Africa. I have learned that there are many types of masks that symbolize many different things. They are all also very symmetrical in their designs. To create this mask, all that was needed was of course, a milk jug, masking tape, and shoe polish. Once I created a mask design out of the jug, I taped the mask up in random ways to give it an authentic look. Next, I chose a brown shoe polish to cover the tape. Once the paint dried, I painted designs on the mask then tied the dried grass through holes I made with a hole puncher. My thought process on designing the mask was that I decided that I wanted to make a modern twist to the tribal mask into a spunky teenybopper with the mascara, hair, and bright red lipstick to complete the look.

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